Leave-in hair products like Hair oils, gels, sprays, conditioners, and jellies are meant to be left in the hair after they are applied.
Some of these products may contain ingredients that can be pore-clogging (comedogenic), and this is an issue because when you apply products to your hair, you can inadvertently get some of the product onto your skin, especially at the hairline.
You can also transfer them to other parts of the face if you touch your hair and then touch your face.
Hair products might also come into contact with your skin from your pillowcase. When you sleep, your hair products can rub off on your pillowcase. Then, when you toss and turn while you sleep, your skin can pick up this hair product.
There are several ingredients that scientists have determined will likely clog pores and result in acne, many of which are found in hair care products. A list of these comedogenic ingredients can be found below
It is wise for people with acne to avoid the ingredients in List 1, as these are highly likely to cause acne. The ingredients in List 2 may cause acne in some individuals, but there is less research on how comedogenic these ingredients are. Products that contain higher concentrations of these comedogenic ingredients are more likely to cause acne than products that contain lower concentrations. A good rule of thumb is to look at the ingredient list on the back of a product and avoid the product if a comedogenic ingredient is listed in the first seven (7) ingredients.